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SamChad room 1

The Samuel Chadwick Centre

‘Discerning the Spirit in the Mission of the Church.’

What is the Samuel Chadwick Centre?

  • It aspires to be a spiritual home for all things related to the renewal of Methodism, including the hosting of occasional conferences and short courses on specific themes.
  • It is an academic research centre that gathers and disseminates the fruits of research in pneumatology with particular reference to the Wesleyan, Pentecostal and charismatic traditions. This it is currently doing via its annual lecture series held each year on or around the anniversary of Chadwick's death (16th October).

Annual Samuel Chadwick lectures

The Centre was launched at Cliff Festival in May 2018 and the inaugural lecture was given in the October of that year by Revd Canon Dr Howard Mellor and was called ‘Samuel Chadwick: Energised by the Spirit.’ This has since been followed by five further annual lectures: Stuart Bell (2019), Rev’d Ashley Cooper (2020), Dr Keith Warrington (2021), Dr James Pedlar (2022) and Dr Ben Pugh (2023). All six lectures, plus the 2019 Fernley-Hartley lecture which was held jointly with the Samuel Chadwick lecture that year, can be found on Youtube here

Register now for the next Samuel Chadwick lecture