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  • Place for Hope logo
    Place for Hope logo
15 September 2025 , 10:30 — 18 September 2025, 14:00


We know conflict is part of life, and can be both creative and destructive. Many people – including those in faith communities – can struggle to find helpful ways to respond to change, transition, tension and difference. Some structures, cultures, systems and habits can make it difficult for people to hear each other well, and relationships may break down. We also know that there is much transformational potential in conflict. Knowing there is help and support available can be a great source of hope for those experiencing difficulties and divisions within their congregations and communities, and Place for Hope have a proven record in helping individuals and faith communities find both support and ways through the difficulties. This course is taught in two blocks, each one three and a half days, and will bed led by Gill Thomas and supported by other Place for Hope staff and practitioners.
The cost shown here includes all course materials and resources as well as meals and refreshments for the duration of the course. The cost does not include accommodation or breakfast, which can be purchased separately at a cost of £300 (£50 per night). This information will be sent to you following your confirmed booking. Additional nights can be booked at an extra cost for those travelling a distance in readiness for the mid-morning start.

If a church, employer or another person or organisation is paying for you to take this training, please complete this booking process and select 'BACs' as your Payment Method on the payment screen. This will complete your order without charging your account, and you will be emailed an invoice which can be forwarded to the party responsible for payment.

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Faith in Change and Conflict

Cliff College is delighted to be running this course in partnership with the Methodist Learning Network and Place for Hope as part of the Way of Peace programme.

£250.00 £250.00 15 spaces remaining