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  • Dariusz sankowski 3 Oi Y Mg DKJ6k unsplash
    Dariusz sankowski 3 Oi Y Mg DKJ6k unsplash
6 May 2025 , 11:30 — 8 May 2025, 14:30


This course is offered through a partnership between Cliff College and Methodist Pioneering Pathways, aligned with the Methodist Church's vision for New Places for New People. Together, we are committed to equipping pioneers to create new Christian communities that reach those not yet part of any church. Rooted in innovation, collaboration and a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit, this course empowers participants to embody the Church’s vision for beginning communities that share God’s love in fresh and transformative ways.

The cost shown here includes all course materials and resources as well as meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. 

If a church, employer or another person or organisation is paying for you to take this course, please complete this booking process and select 'BACs' as your Payment Method on the payment screen. This will complete your order without charging your account, and you will be emailed an invoice which can be forwarded to the party responsible for payment.

Fully-funded places on this course are available to members of Methodist Pioneering Pathways, funded by the Methodist Church in Britain. To access one of these fully-funded places, please email or contact Cliff College.

View full course details

Growing and Sustaining New Christian Communities

This short course is aimed at people involved in pioneering new Christian communities

£295.00 £295.00 6 spaces remaining